At KCS we strive to provide a wide and interesting educational programme for all students. We offer the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Programme.
Junior Cycle
Junior Certificate Subjects
- English
- Irish
- Mathematics
- French
- History
- Geography
- Science
- Technical Graphics
- Business Studies
- Art, Craft & Design
- Religious Education
- Physical Education
- Home Economics
- Materials Technology Wood
- Metalwork (Materials & Technology)
- Civic, Social & Political Education (CSPE)
- Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE)
- Environmental & Social Studies (ESS)
The Junior Certificate School Programme (JCSP) is an extra support offered for students.
Junior Cert Achievement Awards Information
Senior Cycle
Leaving Certificate Subjects
- English
- Irish
- Mathematics
- French
- History
- Geography
- Biology
- DCG (Design and Communication Graphics)
- Chemistry
- Physical Education
- Art, Craft and Design
- Engineering
- Accounting
- Business
- Religious Education
- Home Economics
- Construction Studies
The Leaving Certificate Applied
This programme is aimed at preparing students for adult and working life by providing opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, skills and self-esteem.
Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Subjects
- Work Experience
- English and Communications
- Mathematical Applications
- Social Education
- Enterprise Studies
- Art, Craft and Design
- Graphics and Construction Studies
- Information and Communication Technology
- Hair and Beauty
- Hotel, Catering and Tourism
- Active Leisure Studies
- Technology
- Irish
- French
- Engineering
- Spanish
Transition Year 4th Year
The focus of Transition Year is to give students a chance to develop and mature, try new things, explore their world and learn about themselves and to gain confidence. It is ideal for students who are not ready yet to start studying for their Leaving Cert. It gives them a chance to undertake projects, try out different subjects and gain some work experience.
- Core subjects of Maths, English, Irish and PE and shorter courses in other subjects.
- TY may include doing the Driver Theory Test, the Gaisce President’s Award, being on the KCS School Show team, and helping produce the School Magazine Penpoint.
- Students will come to school for classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
- On Wednesdays, students will undertake community involvement e.g. volunteering in childcare, in an old people’s home, with St. V. De Paul, or teach technology to others.
- Students will do 2 weeks of work experience in a workplace of their choice.
- Students will still get homework and do exams in some subjects to ensure they don’t fall out of the habit of studying.