Output 7

You have two options in this output, a design modification or a concept design. They both must do the following:

  • Tell the story of where your design came from.
  • Look at aestheticsfunctionality and environmental sustainability.
  • Include images and sketches (can be scanned)
  • Include annotations
  • Justify and clearly communicate your reasoning for the idea
Before you develop your idea have a look at Get Drawing or Behance or simply google product design and look at the images for inspiration on the style of sketching.  

Design Modification

This involves modifying or altering your original design from output 4

  • Explore areas for improvement
  • Develop a mood board to inspire your modifications
  • Sketch possible modifications
  • Justify them using text
  • Show the progression of your medications, step 1, step 2 etc


Concept Design

This involves developing a totally new design inspired by a theme or specific market

  • Develop a mood board that shows the inspiration for your new design
  • Develop your ideas making sure to justify all decisions
  • Use sketches to show the progression of your design or thought process. (Your page you should say everything you want with sketching)

Some examples of everyday design that we don’t really give much thought

How design imitates nature


Output 6             Output 8