Electronic Lab – Visit 1
As part of a long standing relationship between ITT Dublin and KCS each year a number of senior cycle students visit the campus each year. During this trip students visit the Engineering department. Students do an electronic and mechanical lab. In the electronic lab the get to solder a circuit, visit the labs and hear what is required for a career in electronic engineering. As part of the mechanical lab students visit the mechanical testing lab, use the hardness tester and see exciting examples of work done on the 3D printers.
Mechanical Testing Lab – Visit 2
As part of the continued link between ITT Dublin Engineering department and KCS, the fifth engineering year students were brought to the mechanical testing laboratory in ITT Dublin. In this lab the students were given a first hand experience of the tensile test, hardness test and impact test. This was a fantastic opportunity to make a theory element of the Engineering syllabus into a practical lab and the students gained a lot from it. Special thanks has to go to Elaine McGeough for facilitating this opportunity.