School Homework Policy

Killinarden Community School > School Homework Policy


Killinarden Community School

Homework Policy 2007

 This policy arises out of preliminary meetings with homework Policy Group and teachers; a consultation process with Board of Management , teachers, parents and students.  This policy will be subject to the usual regular review.


The ethos ofKillinardenCommunitySchoolis to put young people first and we see education as the key to their future.  This vision is supported by the Board of Management, Principal and staff.  As part of the learning process homework has wide educational value.  It reinforces work done and builds students self esteem.  Homework has the potential to strengthen the partnership in learning between parents and teachers





  • is a essential part of learning
  • allows for practising and consolidating work done in class
  • trains students to plan and organise their time
  • establishes a habit of study and self discipline that will be a lifelong skill
  • enables students to identify and use information resources
  • challenges able students
  • builds student self esteem
  • strengthens the links between home and school
  • enables parents and caregivers to be aware of what is being taught in school and to support the progress of their children.



 it develops basic skills and extends classwork

  • it consolidates knowledge
  • teachers set homework that is appropriate to the age, level, and capabilities of the students
  • teacher expectations are well communicated
  • it is set on a regular basis and establishes a pattern of home study
  • it is corrected promptly and accurately
  • it is challenging and has a clear purpose
  • students take responsibility for their homework
  • parents are available to encourage and support their child’s  study
  • it extends learning and encourages independent study.




The amount of homework that students are given and the time it will require, vary depending on age, ability and year group.  Students should also be encouraged to leave time for leisure and physical activities outside of school.  As students move into Senior Cycle homework demands will increase.  The following are suggested guidelines as to the amount of time that a student should spend on homework per day.


  • First Years                          One Hour
  • Second Years                    One and a Half Hours
  • Third Years                        Two and a Half Hours
  • Fifth Years                          Two Hours
  • Sixth Years                         Two and a Half Hours, as well as 

                                                  Research and Project work

 me should also be given to homework/study at weekends especially in third and sixth year.


The three main types of homework are:

PRACTISE EXERCISES:  these give students the opportunity to apply what is learnt in class, revise and reinforce new skills and information, including

  • consolidating exercises e.g. maths / science learning formulae / tables
  • learning spellings and creating new sentences
  • revising information about a current topic
  • pracising vocalulary or phrases in Irish/French/Spanish
  • essay writing
  • reading for information or for pleasure.


Preparatory homework:  students prepare for a future lesson or topic by:

  • background reading
  • rereading a text e.g. poem, play
  • looking up information
  • collecting / preparing items e.g. material for experiment.


EXTENDED ASSIGNEMENTS: especially in exam classes students should pursue knowledge individually and take responsibility for their learning by:

  • reading or writing a book review
  • making or designing an item e.g. for Art or Practical Subject
  • watching a film or documentary for History / Geography
  • using the library or internet to do research.


Wherever possible students should be encouraged to be aware of how to access information and to make best use of Public Libraries and educational web sites.




Each of the partners in education has an important role in supporting the child’s learning:

Parents and caregivers can help by:

  • taking an active interest in homework
  • making sure that time is set aside for homework
  • encouraging students to do their best and complete the work
  • making a quiet place available, where possible, for homework to be done
  • supporting teachers by signing the journal or the homework when asked
  • communicating with teachers any concerns about homework
  • alerting the school to any change in circumstances which should be taken into account when setting homework.

Teachers can help by 

  • explaining to students the benefits of homework
  • ensuring that students and parents are aware of the schools homework policy
  • setting a suitable amount of relevant homework
  • providing homework that is related to classwork / revision
  • giving students sufficient time to complete homework, taking into account other activities and homework set by other teachers
  • marking homework promptly and appropriately
  • keeping homework records and giving feedback to students
  • alerting parents and caregivers to any developing problems concerning their child’s homework

Students can help by:

  • being aware of the importance of homework
  • being aware of the school’s homework policy
  • being aware that homework is an essential part of the learning process
  • completing homework within the given time frame
  • ensuring the homework is of a high standard
  • taking responsibility for their own work and seeking assistance when difficulties arise
  • organising their time so that sufficient time is set aside to complete
  • quality work/assignments
  • using the Journal to keep records and make notes about homework
  • using study skill seminars to full advantage by following the guidelines given
  • availing of supervised study / extra classes in exam years.


KillinardenCommunitySchoolprovides a number of supports to encourage good homework / study among students:

  • rewards an incentives for good work
  • Study Skills Workshop in Exam Years
  • after school supervised study for Third and Sixth Year
  • Extra revision classes in school in third and Sixth Year.


Sanctions:  where homework is not sanctions may be imposed.  These will vary according to the age of student and the severity of the situation.  The sanctions will include e.g. recording in Journal, note to parents, extra work, remaining after class at an arranged time to do the work, detention