The school chaplain is a faith presence in KCS and carries out this role by organising retreats and liturgies as well as being an integral part of the Religious Education Department.
The school Chaplain inKillinardenCommunitySchoolis nominated by the Archbishop of the Dublin Diocese to ensure that the spiritual needs of the students and staff are catered for here inKillinardenCommunitySchool. To do this the chaplain organises retreats for all non-exam pupils every year as well as various liturgies to celebrate significant dates in the church calendar
- St. Vincent de Paul day
- Memorial service in November
- Ash Wednesday
- Lenten Liturgies
- Graduation Mass
The chaplain also promotes the link between the local parish and the school by inviting the priests in the parish to lead us in our liturgies and by getting our students involved in various projects running in the parish.
The chaplain is also part of the Care Team in Killinarden Community School and offers support to or pupils when needed particularly at times of bereavement.