Students and Parents, Welcome to the Careers page
Students in KCS are given full encouragement and support with regard to their careers and further education options, both as a time-tabled subject and individually. Students are assisted in developing study plans and in completing a variety of college and programme applications.
When trying to make careers decisions you should try to
- Know yourself
- Know your options
- Know how you usually make decisions
In this webpage there are links to help you with each of these important areas and more…
Look at the following websites. Each of them has interest tests that help you think about what you want, what you like, what your interests are. Give them a try. Think about the results. What do they mean for your career / course choices? Have you been thinking about which courses/ careers that are suitable for you?
Know your options
There is so much information on the web these days that any course or career can be researched with ease. Begin with these websites and follow the links.
- Cao: For 3rd Level and Post Leaving Certificate Courses, CAO points, links to all 3rd level courses. Applications for 3rd level courses in Ireland
- Careers portal has information on courses, careers and much more.
- Qualifax: This site has information on courses, careers, links to colleges, financial information, how to calculate leaving certificate points, and so much more.
- Prospects contains fantastic information on opportunities with degrees in almost every subject area.
- IEI (Irish Institute of Engineers) and Discover engineering conatin information on different types of engineering.
- Teagasc for information on all agriculture courses
Know how you usually make decisions
Not everything can be done on the web yet there is some useful information available on decision making.
Mindtools contains lots of great examples of decision making techniques.
We must develop an awareness of how we come to make decisions. After all it is the decisions we make that have the most profound impact on our lives.
Financial Planning
Transition Learning is the whole area of making the step from school into college or careers. This can involve getting information on finance, applications procedures and much more.
A good place to start is Student Finance. This site has information on everything you need to know about the cost of further and higher education inIreland (and grant information for studying in theUK. Financial planning is essential.