Quiz for Global Green Week
Monday 20th March 2017
There are 10 questions on this quiz. Use your geography teachers, school caretakers and of course the internet to see if you can complete all of these answers. Please write down your 10 answers on a piece of paper and put them in the answer box situated in the concourse by Friday morning. Make sure to put your name and class on the answer page. There are very good prizes for the winners.
- How many large green bins are filled at KCS every two weeks?
- When we send our recycling out of KCS what country does it go to?
- How many Kms does our recycling travel to get to that recycling plant?
- What is the most common reason for recycling waste to be returned to where it came from?
- What country is the biggest producer of waste in the world?
- What country takes the most amount of waste in the world to be sorted?
- What does CFC stand for? What is it?
- In what common consumer items will we find CFCs?